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Auto Hematology Analyzer

Principles SF Cube* method to count WBC, 6-part diff, NRBC, RET and PLT-O DC impedance method for RBC and PLT Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test *S: Scatter; F: Fluorescence; Cube: 3D analysis Parameters 37 Reportable parameters (whole blood): WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%, IMG%, Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, IMG#; RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, NRBC#, NRBC%; PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC, RET%, RET#, RHE, IRF, LFR, MFR, HFR, IPF 29 Research parameters (whole blood): HFC#, HFC%, RBC-O, PLT-O, PLT-I, WBC-O, WBC-D, TNC-D, IME%, IME#, H-NR%, L-NR%, NLR, PLR, WBC-N, TNC-N, InR#, InR‰, Micro#, Micro%, Macro#, Macro%, RPI, H-IPF, IPF#, MRV, FRC#, FRC%, PDW-SD 7 Reportable parameters (body fluid): WBC-BF, TC-BF#, MN#, MN%, PMN#, PMN%, RBC-BF 11 Research parameters (body fluid): Eos-BF#, Eos-BF%, Neu-BF#, Neu-BF%, HF-BF#, HF-BF%, RBC-BF, LY-BF#, LY-BF%, MO-BF#, MO-BF% 2 Histograms for RBC and PLT 3 Three-dimension scatter grams: DIFF, WNB, RET 5 Two-dimension scatter grams: DIFF, WNB, RET, RET-EXT, PLT-O Mode CBC, CBC+DIFF, CBC+DIFF+RET, CBC+RET, RET Data storage capacity Up to 10,0000 results including numeric and graphical information Operating environment Temperature: 15℃~32℃ Humidity: 30%~85% Throughput Up to 110 samples per hour (CBC+DIFF) Up to 65 samples per hour (RET) Up to 40 samples per hour (Body fluid) Loading capacity Up to 50 sample tubes

Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

Technical Specifications System Function: Automatic, discrete, random access, STAT sample priority Throughput: 420 photometric tests per hour, up to 626 tests per hour with ISE On-board tests: 90 photometric tests + 3 ISEs + 3 serum indices